The Shop at Valkill Furniture  Valkill Workbench #1

I have recently started teaching Woodworking Classes at our location in Macon, Georgia. My purpose is to pass on as much woodworking knowledge on as I can before it becomes a lost art. 

Our first class will run 6:00 to 7:30 each Thursday from June 8th through June 29th. Class size is limited to 6 students and the cost is $50 per session. Payment can be made through Cash App at $trianglearts. You can also write a check or bring cash.

There are three initial courses planned. Each of these courses is suitable for beginners - no experience is needed to attend and benefit from these classes. Each of these courses will include information on "Materials, Tools and Techniques", and will generally conclude with construction of something we covered in class.  The classes are pretty informal - meant to be interactive and fun. Click on each of the following for the detail course guide and syllabus (if it has been published)..

    1. Woodworking Overview (Weeks 1-4)
    2. Beginning Furniture (Weeks 5-8)
    3. Basic Framing Techniques (Weeks 9-12)
    • Introduction. What are the basic kinds of wood? The basic tools? How do I get started using them? How do I ask for and buy them?
    • We will generally not be using large machines or pieces of equipment. Instead we will focus on learning the fundamentals of hand tools (think Dewalt) - and giving each student a little familiarity and confidence in using them.
    • What do you need to know to get started building furniture? Materials, tools and techniques. What woods are best and why? What fasteners would you use? what kind of joinery is best suited to your project?
    • Also, I'd like to cover BASIC design. How do you build your own plans? Having never actually used a plan to construct anything, I can say with certainty that the portion is probably my favorite part of the entire furniture process. 


    •  Again, what do you need to know to get started - materials, tools and techniques. At the conclusion of this short class, you should be able to construct your own interior wall from 2X4's and drywall.